Saturday, December 28, 2019

Theme Of Fences By Pat Mora - 929 Words

Pat Mora’s â€Å"Fences† is a delicate poem that deals with the timely issues of class divide and privilege. She begins her poem on a positive note, saying â€Å"Mouths full of laughter,† which creates this safe and harmless tone. The next line, she uses the word â€Å"turistas,† which is interesting; Mora uses a Spanish word (tourist in English) to indicate possibly the ethnicity of the speaker. It is not until the last few lines of the poem, however, when the reader can also detect the class and likely status of the speaker, when the speaker’s mother says, â€Å"It’s their beach,† after seeing the speaker’s younger sister running across the sand where the affluent tourists are. At only 19 lines, â€Å"Fences† is a relatively short poem, but Mora’s use of†¦show more content†¦The next six lines (or next sentence) heightens the living standards of the affluent tourists, which heightened the contrast betwee n living styles between the ‘turistas’ and the speaker. First, the speaker does not even see the tourists from a completely clear distance--she has to â€Å"peek† through the cactus fence. Here, the speaker sees how the women rub oil onto themselves that is â€Å"sweeter than honey† and children being playful, sipping on drinks with â€Å"long straws, coconut white, mango yellow.† This alone shows the options that these tourists have that may seem privileged to the speaker, for it was her and her family, there would only be plastic straws to basic drinks. The careful attention to what the tourists have and what they do (compared to the lack of attention in regards to the speaker) furthers the notion of class divide and status. Finally, the next six final lines of the poem explicitly show the class division between the speaker and the tourists. Mora states that, â€Å"Once my little sister / ran barefoot across the hot sand / for a taste† (13-16), she ends on a period, almost hoping that her sister would be able to run across the side where the rich tourists are, to perhaps play with the joyful children, to be equal to them; if the poem had ended here, it would have been difficult to identify an absolute interpretation of the class division and privilege (and to

Friday, December 20, 2019

Personal Narrative I And Run - 1871 Words

I and run. All I can hear is the snap of tree branches, dogs barking who I can’t tell if they’re chasing me or just off in the distances, and the rocks rolling down the cliff next to me hoping that I’m not next to roll down. As I keep running I feel my body slow down I became grow weaker every second. As I slow down I think to myself, I have to keep running I need to get out of there I can’t stand it anymore. Just escape and get out of the awful place. Many things happened to lead up to this point. I don’t like to look back on these awful times anymore. I’m finally getting over it and getting those thoughts out of my head, but I think it will be good to get them out and make my voice heard. It all starts with a warm, but a brisk†¦show more content†¦We sit in the apartment a while, well the kidnapper talks on the phone. I stand up and start heading to the bathroom. At this point, he gets up as he can obviously tell I have something in my pocket and he took it and kept it, and continued to talk on the phone very loudly and with no respect for us. He stops me and asks, â€Å"Where do you think you re going?† I explain, â€Å"I have to use the bathroom.† He hesitates for a second and says, â€Å"Alright make it quick.† I hurry off as I get into the bathroom there s a window. At this moment I decide to climb out and get out so I can know where I am to get the police to help all the other girls . I get out and hear the kidnapper yelling for me and that s when I began to run. I run faster and faster every second. This is when I realize I will soon become weak and not be able to keep running. I hear off in the distance loud crunching of the leaves and twigs breaking. I run hard and fast trying not to trip over the twigs in my path. I dodge most of them, but I hit the front of my foot off the front of a huge root and I twist my ankle. As I scramble to my feet it s too late, he has me again†¦ He starts yelling at me, but it’s in Spanish I have no idea what he is saying. I got one sentence he was saying and it was. â€Å"No te atrevas a hacer eso otra vez y si lo haces no quieres saber lo que sucederà ¡.† When I translated this I found out it means don t you dare do that again and if you do you don t want to knowShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : I Run And Run1197 Words   |  5 Pages Kidnapped I run and run. All I can here is the snap of tree branches, dogs barking who I can’t tell if they’re chasing me or just off in the distances, and the rocks rolling down the cliff next to me hoping that I’m not next to role down. As I keep running I feel my body slow down I became grow weaker every second. As I slow down I think to myself I have to keep running I need to get out of there I can’t stand it anymore. Just escape and get out of the awful place. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Marketing Communication Advanced Approach Towards Management

Question: Describe about the Marketing Communication for Advanced Approach Towards Management. Answer: Introduction Marketing Communication refers to the process of communication with target customers of the company[1]. The primary reason of marketing communication is to convey the message about the products and services of the company to the customers as well as to the stakeholders. There are various tools of marketing communication like an advertisement, public relation, personal selling, direct marketing and many others. Integrated Marketing Communication, commonly known as IMC, is the advanced process of marketing communication. IMC is an advanced approach toward achieving the marketing objective of a company by using the combination of integrated promotional activities. IMC evaluates the value of the marketing plans of a company and then make communication strategy to promote a particular brand[2]. This primary aim of the study is to formulate the Integrated Marketing Communication plans (IMC plan) of an Australian leading garments maker Country Road Group. The first part of the study is about the background of the company, their products and the marketing objectives. Then the very next part of the report evaluates the target market segmentation of the company. After that, the most important five communication or advertising objectives of the company has been developed. Then the ethical issue regarding the brand image creative advertisement has been recognized and discussed. The next part involves the development of the media plan of the company which includes the selection of the media vehicle. The media vehicle will help to achieve the marketing objective of the company. Lastly, a conclusion has been drawn based on the total study. Background of Country Road Group Country Road is an Australian retail company founded in the year of 1974. The company has its presence in other countries like New Zealand and South Africa. The parent company of Country Road is Woolworths Limited. Country Road is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia. The name of the managing director is Mr. Darren Todd and the name of the CEO is Mr. Matt Keogh. In the beginning, Country Road used to produce the clothes for the women. Right now, Country Road is Australias one of the major retail company which produces garments for children, men and women. The major product of Country Road is garments; apart from that Country Road also produces accessories and footwear for men, women and children. There is a portion o this company which produces furniture. In the year of 1998, Woolworths Limited showed interest in this company and acquired it. The current employee base of the company is around ten thousand. The primary objective all the company is to maximize the profitability by increasing the revenue. Country Road also has the same objective, but they want to achieve this objective by satisfying the needs of the customers. The marketing objective of Country Road group can be recognized by reading the vision statement of the company. As per the vision statement of the company, Country Road wants to become the omni channel market leader in Australia. That means the company wants to make available their products in every channel like online shopping, on call shopping and from mortal stores. At the same time, the company believes in innovation in their product so that their product can be the unique one in the market. Another objective of Country Road is to acquire the world class talented employee in their work force as they believe the employees are the heart of the organization. Target Audience Segment Analysis The primary requirement to develop any marketing strategy is to set the target audience that is to know who the potential customers of the company are. Target segmentation depends on the nature of the business. Thus, different companies have different target segment[3]. In the case of Country Road, the company has segmented their customers depending on various aspects like geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavior. These aspects are discussed below: Geographic segmentation refers to segment the audience by climate, size of the city or state and population. The clothes of both men and women vary depending upon the climate of the area. For example, the clothes of summer and winter are not same. Based on this factor, Country Road segmented their target audience and produces the products accordingly[4]. Demographic segmentation means to divide the target customer by age, sex, income, education, occupation and others. County Road has products for children, men and women and for all age group. On the other hand, they have some premium products for their premium customers. Country Road has targeted all income grope people so that everyone can buy their products[5]. Psychographic segmentation means to target the customers by social class, the personality of people, various lifestyles of the people and others. Country Road has specially customized clothes to cater to the psychographic needs of the customers. Some people want to wear clothes based on their moods. Country Road uses to analyze the various moods of the people and accordingly produces products[6]. Behavior Segmentation means to segment the customers based on various occasion and festivals. People like to wear new clothes at the time of festival and occasions. Based on that human character, Country Road produces clothes for people[7]. From the above discussion, it can be understood that Country Road has an excellent customer segmentation strategy that helps them cater to the various needs of the customers. Communication Objectives Every marketing strategy has some objectives behind it such as the objective of marketing strategies is to maximize the sales of the organization[8]. There are some specific objectives behind developing the communication strategy of Country Road Group. Three of those objectives are discussed below: The first objective is to develop the brand image of the company. Brand image means the perception of a customer towards the particular company. As the customers are the source of income to every company, it is essential to build a good image to the customers. In the case of Country Road, it is necessary that the company have a good brand image. Effective communication strategy helps to create awareness about the products of the company as the brand image will be good when maximum people will get to about the company[9]. The second objective is to promote the new products of the company. Once a new product is launched in the market, it needs proper promotion so that people can be aware of the product. Thus, the aim of the IMC manger will be to develop an effective communication strategy to promote the new product in the market. The profitability of the company will be higher when more people get to know about the product[10]. The third objective is to influence the buying behavior of the customers. The communication strategy should be developed in such a way that it can be able to change the perception of the customers towards the products of the company. The advertisement campaigns of the company should convey the message of the benefits of the products. Only then customers will be attracted towards the products of the company[11]. These are the main three communication objective of the company Country Road. The IMC manager should keep these factors in mind while developing the advertisement or communication strategy of the company. The profitability of the company will increase when more customers are influenced to buy the product of the company. Ethical Issues in Communication Objectives Business communication strategies or the advertisement campaigns are such an act that helps to create the brand image of a company[12]. Brand image is a crucial aspect in establishing the image of the company in the market. The brand image refers to the reputation, goodwill and logo of the company. There is various advertisement style of creative advertisement. They are Unique selling proposition style, brand image creative style, Resonance creative style, Emotional Creative Style, Generic Creative Style, Preemptive Creative Style and others. In the case of Country Road Group, the chosen alternative style of creative advertisement by the IMC Manager is the brand image creative style of the company[13]. Every business strategy must have ethics in it. The strategies can be marketing strategies, promotional strategies or communication strategies. Ethics is a must in every business strategies. Hence, there is no exception in the case of Communication or advertisement strategies. One of the major ethical issues in advertisement communication is the presence of a subliminal advertisement. Subliminal advertisement refers to the portion of the advertisement which is shown for a very little time but has a very inner meaning. That means by subliminal advertisement; companies are trying to manipulate the customers[14]. Many companies are adopting the strategy of subliminal advertisement. However, many companies and advertisement agencies are considering the practice of subliminal advertisement as a wrong practice of advertisement. Another ethical issue in advertisement is providing the wrong information through the advertisement campaign. There are instances of many companies which try to con vey the wrong message by their advertisement campaigns. This is an ill practice of communication campaigns. People are misguided by the false information provided by the company in their advertisement. This process creates a bad effect on the brand image of the company[15]. The IMC manger of Country Road must keep these ethical issues in mind while preparing the advertisement strategies of the company. The advertisements of the company should convey the right massage of the brand as well as should provide the correct information. Media Plan The crucial and most important job of an IMC manager is to develop the media plan of the company. The media plan involves the planning of advertisement vehicles to convey the message of the company to the customers[16]. In the case of Country Road, the objective of the media plan is to reach to the maximum number of people on a frequent basis. In this context, one of the most important aspects is the selection of the media vehicle. Media vehicle refers to the medium or channel by which the advertisement of the company will be done[17]. The chosen media vehicle for Country Road Group is all the local newspapers. There is a great significance of newspapers as the media vehicle of the company. The newspaper is such a medium which is available in every corner of the country and newspaper id the only media which is published on a daily basis. There is a relation between the chosen media and the three main objectives of the company. As discussed earlier, the three main advertisement objectives of the company are creating a brand image, promoting new products of the company and influence the buying behavior of the customers. All newspaper will have a one full page advertisement of the new products of Country Road. This process will create the brand image of the company as almost every people of the country read newspapers on a daily basis. On the other hand, the advertisement will make the readers know about the new products of the company and will convey the right message to the potential customers. Twenty-first centurie s is the era of internet and in this era newspapers are available in the form of e-paper in mobiles, laptops, computers, tablets and many others. Thus, by choosing the newspaper as the media vehicle, Country Road Group can reach to millions of people on a regular basis and at the same time the objectives of the companies can be achieved by these media plan[18]. Evaluation Process of Media Plan Every marketing strategy has success and failure. There should be one or a set of tools that will help to evaluate the effectiveness of the media plan. The best way to evaluate the success of the media plan is to adopt both qualitative as well as a quantitative method of evaluation. These two processes are discussed below: The qualitative method of evaluation has aspects. First of all, it should be examined that if there is any biases toward the advertisement. The tone of the media should be good. There should be a group of people in the organization who will look after the evaluation process of the media. The group will frequently examine about the coverage of the media that means whether the media is reaching to the potential customers. They will also examine that whether the people are getting the core message of the advertisement. On the other hand, it should also be analyzed that how the competitors are taking the advertisement promotion of the company. The team will also be responsible to take care of the number of advertisement in the newspapers[19]. Another way to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertisement campaign is the quantitative method of evaluation. This method helps to evaluate the effectiveness on the monetary basis. The first method under quantitative media evaluation is advertising Cost Equivalent method. Application of this method will help to measure the success of the advertisement campaign by the revenue earned. The next method is to judge the impression of the advertising campaign that is how many times the advertisement is seen in the newspaper. Another way of evaluation is to see how many times the name of the company and the main message of the company appears in the newspaper[20]. These are the methods by which the advertisement plan of Country Road can be evaluated. The qualitative method helps to evaluate the effectiveness by people whereas quantitative method helps to evaluate the effectiveness on the monetary basis. Both the methods are important tools for the evaluation of advertisement campaign effectiveness. Conclusion Communication strategy is the process of establishing the brand image of the company to the customers. However, establishing the brand image is not the only objective of it. There are various objectives and benefits of communication objectives. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is the advanced version of communication strategies. IMC deals with the creation and implementation of the media plans of companies. In this study, the media plan of the Australian Company Country Road Group has been set up. Country Road is one of the leading cloths manufactures in Australia. The company has divided their target customer in for segments. They are geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavior. This is a unique strategy as this strategy has given them a better view of their potential customer base. After that, the three major objectives of the communication plan have been established. The objectives are establishing brand image, promoting products and influence the customers. Then the media plan of the company has been set and the newspaper has been chosen as the media vehicle. There is a direct relationship between the media vehicle and the objective of the company as the media vehicle helps to achieve the advertisement objectives by communicating the media plan with the potential customers. However, only setting up of the media plan is not enough. Evaluating the effectiveness of the media plan has the same importance as the setting up of it. There are two types of methods to evaluate the success of media plan that is a qualitative method and quantitative method. The quantitative method helps to evaluate the success on the monetary basis. In the case of Country Road Group, both quantitative and qualitative methods are suggested to evaluate the effectiveness of communication pl an. Thus, form the whole repot, it can be concluded that to establish the media plan of a company, the analysis of target segment and setting up of objectives are necessary. After that, there should be effective tools to evaluate the effectiveness of the plans. 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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Effects of Red Wine on Heart Disease for Heart-

Question: Writeabout theEffects of Red Wine on Heart Disease for Heart Attack. Answer: Red Wine is one of the highly consumed wines in the world with an increasing preference for the wine due to various factors. The consumption of Red Wine has increased to 240 million hectoliters in 2015, which shows the consumption of Red Wine is increasing at a faster rate. Such an increase in Red Wine is due to factors such as increasing standard of people, health benefits among adults above fifty years of age and used in making food item. However, there are also evidences that show that high consumption of Red Wine has various detrimental effects on health (Mansvelt et al., 2016). This essay critically analyses the effects of Red Wine on preventing heart disease of the people aged above fifty years of age. The research analyses all the factors showing good effects of Red Wine on heart as well as bad effects of Red Wine and finally reach to a conclusion. Heart attack and cardiovascular diseases is a type of death caused due to reduction in the flow of blood supply to the heart. It is also seen that a failure in the heart muscles cause a pain I the heart and cardiac infarction. Various causes result in cardiovascular diseases I the people. Some of the common systems of heart attack are chest pain and discomfort (Mun?oz-Gonza?lez, 2014). However, it is evident that risk of heart attack is more in the people above forty-five years of age. A major factor that is resulting an increase in heart problems is increasing obesity in the old people and smoking in the old men population. Other causes are cholesterol, genetics, surgery, HIV and diabetes which needs to be addressed as fast as possible. On the other hand, patients need some easy way to get rid of heart attack that the can readily follow (Varbo et al., 2013). Increasing number of heart attack among people there is an increasing concern and requires a solution. The most common solution that came up with this regard is of consumption of Red Wine. The doctors in todays world are highly recommending the consumption of Red Wine in order to cope up with the heart patients and reduce their problems. It is one of the easy ways a person can reduce their heart problem as wine and people of all age group love alcohol consumption. Red Wine consumption is also recommended by various nutritionist to the people suffering from heart and diabetes diseases. They recommend adding consumption of Red Wine in the daily diet of the people. However, there is also a stated limit to the consumption of wine in a day (Ferrara et al., 2013). Cardiovascular is a disease that is increasing day-by-day among older people ad 30 percent of death is caused due to heart problems. Thus having a solution to this problem that is easy and good is drawing a great attention of researchers. Red Wine is suggested to be one of the most highly consumed beverages among people over the world and has a lot of potential to reduce heart problems. Red Wine contains a good amount of Polyphenols, which has a long-term health benefits on the adults (Quiones, Miguel Aleixandre, 2013). There have been evidences showing that the amount of Polyphenols contained in the Red Wine has good effects on the cardiovascular diseases. The evidences showing the beneficial effect of Red Wine on the cardiovascular disease is essential because heart diseases are most common problem in todays world especially on the older people. Polyphenols have great vascular effects as its increase the liquid proportion in the lipoprotein. Thus, preventing the amount of inflamma tion caused in the heart. Inflammation is one of the serious causes of heart problem and a reduction in the percentage of inflammation will reduce heart problem in a large way. Moreover, There are further evidences that show that Red Wine is one of the highly antioxidant contained beverages and it has a ten time greater effects on the health of people compared to any other Vitamins (Kane et al., 2015). According to Chiva-Blanch et al (2013), moderate consumption of Red Wine daily has a beneficial effect on the heart of aged people above fifty years of age. However, the article also stated that whether the beneficial effect s due to the non-alcoholic contains of the wine is still not researched. The evidences just show that regular consumption of Red Wine has lead to a reduction of both fatal and non-fatal risk caused due to heart attacks. Further, it is seen that Resveratrol reduces the risk of blood clots, inflammation and reduces the amount of cholesterol contained, thus, causing a reduction in the risk of heart attack. This is because cholesterol is one of the most increasing concerns among the older people in todays world and the most crucial reason of heart diseases. However, there are researches that show that the beneficial effect of red wine can only be achieved by moderate consumption of Red Wine in a day. It has been advised by the doctors that in order to get the maximum amount of benefits from Red Wine it is necessary that women consume it ones in a day and men only twice in a day. On the other hand, it is recommended that seven glasses of wine on a week can give the desired result. More than this amount may cause detrimental effects on the heart. Heart problem also causes stroke in the people and it has been stated by University School of Medicine that consumption of Red Wine also increases enzyme in the older people called heme oxygenase (Alexander, 2017). This reduces the chances of stroke in the aged people as the enzyme protects the nerve cell present in the rains of people. However, there is a controversy put forward by other authors that there is no clear example of whether resveratrol needs the usage of alcohol or wine in order to improve its quality. Quercetin is yet another factor present in the red wine, which adds to its flavor. It is a type of antioxidant that improves the functioning of the heart. This antioxidant has been found to i mprove the efficiency of left ventricle, thus, affecting the hearts of the older people positively. On contrast to the beneficial effect of Red Wine, there are evidences that have proved that regular consumption of Red Wine has actually resulted in negative impact on the health and heart of aged people. This is because the blood pressure and the platelets contained in blood rises just after the consumption of Red Wine, which causes severe heart failure and heart blockage problem. This negative effect is usually due to high consumption of Red Wine above the suggested level to the aged people. Moreover, it has also been researched that the positive impact of Red Wine has not been seen in the patients suffering from chronic heart problem. The gap in the research about the actual impact of Red Wine on the health of elderly is mainly due to differences in socio economics culture. Some of the society consumes Red Wine in their daily meal, while some of them consume them during occasions (Cosmi et al., 2015). This becomes difficult for the researchers to map out the impact of Red Wine on the health of the people all over the world. in a research with consumption of wine across various society it has been seen that the risk factor is positively correlated with the cardiovascular problems. The correlation between cardiovascular problem and wine consumption was as high as 21 percent among the patients with heart problem. It has been analyzed that drinking excess wine increases the weight among the elderly causing issue of obesity and hypertension. Increase percentage of obesity and tension in turn effects the life of the old people. This is because excess accumulation of fats around the heart causes heart blockage resulting in heart attack. Consuming a lot of wine in a day increases the intake of calories, which is more than the normal limit (NewsComAu, 2017). Another adverse impact of wine is seen to be metabolic syndrome, which has a lot of negative multiplier effect. One such problems being severe heart problem among the older age people. However, there are also evi dences that show that the reason behind heart problem among the people consuming red wine is smoking and dietary issues as well. This resulted that red wine is not only the reason behind the cause of heart attack among the elderly. This is because the people consuming high amount of red wine were also consumed other harmful things such as smoking, MUFA, PUFA, high amount of cholesterol and others. Thus, red wine adds to the harmful effect of this and causes severe cardiovascular problem (Chiva-Blanch et al., 2013). According to a recent news it has been stated that healthy older people consumes a large number of wine compared to younger ones. This is the reason any impact of red wine is first seen on the older people than on the younger ones. The study showing that red wine is not effective for the heart has also analyzed that people with occasionally drinking habit will not put any effect on the heart. This reduces that myth that red wine consumption improves or degrades the quality of the heart. Any effect of wine is seen on the health only if it is consumed on a daily basis (Harman-Boehm et al., 2015). However, with such evidences against the consumption of red wine it is also seen that older people are more prone to drink occasionally rather than on a regular basis. This puts less impact on the older people compared to younger ones. Red wine might have good impacts on the heart of the people; however, it is not good for other body parts of the people. Thus, the amount of consumption should be reduced to a minimal amount in order to gain from it. On the other hand, in the long run over consumption of red wine may cause the heart muscles to stretch and slow down the heartbeat. Moreover, it may also cause the blood pressure to fluctuate causing stroke. This is because compared to young people, the heart of old people are week and fragile (Tresserra-Rimbau et al., 2015). From the above analysis, it can be deduced that red wine has both log tern and short-term effect on the heart of the older people. The above discussion has shown that red wine has some positive impact on the old peoples heart because of high content of quercetin, resveratrol and polyphenols. However, it also put some negative impact on the heart by increasing the chances of obesity among the consumers. This is because obesity intake increases pressure on the heart and leads to blockage. It causes other detrimental effect such as low heartbeat and blood pressure fluctuation. However, it has been analyzed that positive impact of red wine is more than its negative impact only if the wine is consumed under a certain limit. This is because heart of old people is already week because of age concern. Any further pressure on it due to high win consumption may create harmful effect. Thus, it can be seen that red wine is to a cure for the heart problem and any cardiovascular issues I old peopl e. It is just a kind of stepping stone on which they can rely. However, crossing the limit of consumption may affect them negatively rather than positively. It is recommended that women consume only one glass of wine per day and two glasses per day is recommended for men. This will help them gain a positive impact of red wine rather them making it a harmful thing for themselves. Thus, in order to get the full gain of red wine and cure heart disease a person should stay within the stated limit of consumption. References Alexander, S. (2017).Is a glass of wine a night healthy?.The Telegraph. Retrieved 1 September 2017, from Chiva-Blanch, G., Arranz, S., Lamuela-Raventos, R. M., Estruch, R. (2013). Effects of wine, alcohol and polyphenols on cardiovascular disease risk factors: evidences from human studies.Alcohol and alcoholism,48(3), 270-277. Chiva-Blanch, G., Urpi-Sarda, M., Ros, E., Valderas-Martinez, P., Casas, R., Arranz, S., ... Estruch, R. (2013). Effects of red wine polyphenols and alcohol on glucose metabolism and the lipid profile: a randomized clinical trial.Clinical nutrition,32(2), 200-206. Cosmi, F., Di Giulio, P., Masson, S., Finzi, A., Marfisi, R. M., Cosmi, D., ... Boni, S. (2015). Regular wine consumption in chronic heart failure: impact on outcomes, quality of life, and circulating biomarkers.Circulation: Heart Failure, CIRCHEARTFAILURE-114. Ferrara, A., Fusi, F., Gorelli, B., Sgaragli, G., Saponara, S. (2013). Effects of freeze-dried red wine on cardiac function and ECG of the Langendorff-perfused rat heart.Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology,92(2), 171-174. Harman-Boehm, I., Shelef, I., Ben-Avraham, S., Rudich, A. (2015). Effects of Initiating Moderate Alcohol Intake on Cardiometabolic Risk in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: A 2-Year...Ann Intern Med,163, 569-579. Kane, M. O., SENE, M., Anselm, E., Dal, S., Schini-Kerth, V. B., Augier, C. (2015). Role of AMP-activated Protein Kinase in NO-and EDHF-mediated Endothelium-dependent Relaxations to Red Wine Polyphenols. Mansvelt, E. P. G., Fourie, E., Blackhurst, D., Kotze, T., Stofberg, H., Van der Merwe, S., ... Van Velden, D. P. (2016). The influence of a Mediterranean Diet with and without Red Wine on the Haemostatic and Inflammatory Parameters of Subjects with the Metabolic Syndrome.South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture,28(1), 37-43. 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

How I Learned to Play the Guitar free essay sample

How I Learned to Play the Guitar Guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments to learn because of its versatility and portability. When I was in high school, I had an abundance of leisure time. I wanted to do something meaningful and fun instead of wasting time on playing video games, so I decided to learn a musical instrument. Honestly speaking, I was a good singer; however, singing without a musical instrument to accompany me seemed strange. That is why I made up my mind to learn to play the guitar. Now I realize that I made a wise decision. To learn to play the guitar, I bought a guitar and a guitar pick. In addition, like playing other instruments, learning to play the guitar requires the love of music, perseverance, and patience. I learned some basic knowledge about the guitar and how to tune it. To illustrate, the neck of the guitar is divided by the strings from the left to the right and by the frets into sections from the top to the bottom. We will write a custom essay sample on How I Learned to Play the Guitar or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Moreover, every guitar has six strings and each string has a different size and note value. Each time before playing, I need to tune the strings. The tuning process is important for getting the right sound when I play. Next, I began to learn to play the chords, which are made up of different combination of notes. Each time I played the chords, a unique sound was created. The knowledge of the function of the frets and strings helped me identify the chords’ locations easily. There are a lot of chords on the guitar, but I could only memorize the most common chords. I could search for other chords online when I needed them. Now I can play the most important and fundamental five ‘major’ chords. I spend more than 30 minutes every day practicing without looking at the diagram of chords. At first, I strummed the strings slowly to see if all the strings rang clearly. When I could naturally play different chords, I would switch my fingers from one chord to another as quickly and precisely as possible. In this way, I could connect several chords together to make a song. There are many different types of scales, each with different characteristics, note patterns and musical qualities on the guitar. Playing improvisation means playing the scales in different orders. I also learned some techniques to enrich improvising, like mute, vibrato technique, advanced bend and so on. All the different techniques made improvisation fun and diverse. With the encouragement of my professor, I became very enthusiastic about playing the guitar. I carried my guitar everywhere and strummed notes whenever I was free. Before long, my fingertips developed calluses and the pain abated. Also, the more flexible and the stronger my fingers became, the easier I could play the chords. My fingers’ flexibility and strength turned out to be essential for improvisation on the guitar scales. At last, after learning to play the guitar for three months, I could play one of my favorite songs, ‘Time of Your Life’ by Green Day and some other songs with simple tunes. Then I quit my class and decided to learn to play the guitar by myself. Because I knew, practice makes perfect, in order to be a better and more skillful player, I had to practice more. I began to search music scores and videos online, and I followed them to learn new songs. Many uploaded videos on YouTube teach how to play different songs, and I benefited greatly from them. It took me some time to learn a new song, but the process was always fun and enjoyable. Even though I stopped going to the guitar class, I knew what to do and where to go to improve my skills. The most important lesson I learned about playing the guitar is that practice makes perfect. The only way to become a good guitar player is to practice every day. It has been said that professional guitar players practice 8 hours a day, so I knew there was a long way for me to go to become a good player. I am very delighted to say that I can play and sing quite a few songs at the same time. It has been rewarding to learn to play the acoustic guitar, as it has opened up a whole new universe of expression, conversation and real pleasure. It also has been a great way to make friends, so it was worth making the effort to learn it.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Canadian Marijuana Prohibition essays

Canadian Marijuana Prohibition essays The time has come to end the war on marijuana. As almost every Canadian knows, marijuana is illegal, and has been since 1920. But why did they outlaw this plant? It could not have been simply because it was bad, actually Canadian marijuana prohibition originated in anti-Chinese racism. In the early 1920s Maclean's ran a series of articles by Emily Murphy, which were compiled into a book called The Black Candle. The book was very popular and almost solely responsible for marijuana prohibition in Canada. At one point Emily Murphy explains whom she blames for the marijuana peril: ``An addict who died this year in British Columbia told how he was frequently jeered at as a `white man accounted for.' The Chinese peddlers taunted him with their superiority at being able to sell the dope without using it, and by telling him how the yellow race would rule the world. E Murphy The criminal prohibition is an anachronism from the 1920s that is no longer appropriate for our society. The continued persecution of marijuana smokers is harmful and destructive to our Canadian society. Most Canadians agree that marijuana is a valuable herbal medicine which should not be exterminated. It's time to end Canada's war on marijuana and cannabis culture. 65% or two-thirds of Canadian taxpayers think cannabis should be decriminalized 92% of taxpayers think cannabis should be made legal for medical purposes 19,200 taxpayers or family members (sick and healthy) were arrested for cannabis in 1998 66,000 taxpayers or family members (sick and healthy) were arrested for cannabis in 2000 with close to 45,000 for simple possession OR one every 12 minutes (Statistics Canada) An increase of 23,400 taxpayers arrested per year and still going strong. Whose money is it, and how much of it? By the Year By the Month By the Day By the Hour By the Minute $500,000,000 $41,000,000 $1,367,00...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Evaluate A Companys Foundation for Execution Assignment

Evaluate A Companys Foundation for Execution - Assignment Example Thus, operating model comprises elements of business model and tactical abilities of an organisation (Deloitte Development LLC, 2011). Operating Model of IBM IBM is an international leader in information and technology segment. IBM performs in a stable business market, having a large number of competitors such as HP and Dell among others. A successful operating model depends on several external factors such as economic environment, market context and industry conditions along with internal factors (IBM, n.d.). IBM has identified three abilities which are also termed as Three A’s that can enhance the execution of operating model namely aligned, analytical and adaptable as demonstrated in figure 1. Fig 1: The Three A’s of Operating Model Source: (Giesen & et. al., 2009) Aligned Aligned operating model leverages core competences of an organisation and implements consistency across every dimension of business (such as external and internal facets). Traditionally, the core c ompetencies of IBM were its exclusive hardware and software solutions along with strong after sales services. However, the low price strategy of leading competitors has significantly contributed towards fading away the core competencies of IBM. In order to revitalise itself, IBM has changed its core competencies by diversifying the business to certain other segments such as insurance, financial services, retail and transportation in order to provide better information technology (IT) solutions. Furthermore, instead of competing with other rivals, IBM has moved towards the establishment of a strong network, facilitating to strengthen its core competencies with regard to better customer services (Harreld & et. al., 2006). Strategic Alignment of IBM: In operating... Thiss paper stresses that architecture maturity comprises different characteristics which are essential for assisting IT infrastructure of an organisation. The infrastructure exists for helping different operations of an organisation. Adaptive and active enterprise architecture allows organisations to change and manage business process complexities inherent in large organisations such as IBM. As architecture matures, likelihood, process control and efficiency also increase. The enterprise architecture model of IBM comprises organised industry leading functions, industry standards, industry rules, and established solution building blocks. It influences the widespread business domain understanding, along with leveraging fruitful industry skills, technical know-how and thought leadership that IBM possesses and utilises for value creation. This report makes a conclusion that the operating model of IBM helps to deliver a set of reliable and positive business outcomes with proper association amid different components. The operating model of IBM typically contains artefacts demonstrating strategic transformations, business procedures and service based architecture. The operating model demonstrates details about different core dimensions of the business which help to differentiate the organisation from other competitors. It is believed that IBM should constantly innovate and refurbish the operating model in order to seize the ever-present business opportunities.