Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Kierkegaardian Journeys To Selfhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kierkegaardian Journeys To Selfhood - Essay Example However, one who is unable to make a choice either way, for such a person the self is not created. Hence, a choice has to be made and this is the way that the self is created. The aesthetic’s form of choice leaves the individual self-less because he has been lured by passions and lust. His choice is based on the emotions which rule him for that small period of time. He is overpowered by those emotions of lust and passions and unable to relieve himself from them. Nobody can understand your actions and thoughts; this does not even attract pity from others. They merely pray that wise sense may prevail upon you someday because every revelation that you make is an illusion. They become self-less because they have deceived their own self throughout the life. This is why Kierkegaard says such choice leaves the individual self-less. In the ethical stage the virtues are dominant and one evaluates the dilemma and the problem based on truth, honesty and righteousness. In such a situation, the individual is not confronted with a choice. He knows what is to be done. His personality itself is immersed in the choice that he is not different from the choice. The choice and he are indivisible; there is no dualism. Suppose one has to make a choice about a life problem. If he delays the decision, he is able to understand the situation better. He delays not because is unable to make a choice but to understand the alternatives. When one believes in the inner self, there is no time for though-experiments. A person would always see where the alternatives would lead him to; he would evaluate the shortest path to accomplish his goals or reach his destination. Thus, the choice cannot be wrong because he is evaluating the alternatives with righteousness. The choice has to be made with tone of seriousness. This is because, Kierkeg aard says, the next moment one may not have the power to choose. Hence even if the personality postpones the choice, the choice is made

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Should Smoking be banded in New Orleans' casinos Essay

Should Smoking be banded in New Orleans' casinos - Essay Example It covers Bars, Restaurants, Casinos, Patios, Hotel and Motel Rooms, Patios, Courtyards, Balconies, Parks, Public Events, Hotel and Motel Rooms, Bingo and Video Poker Halls, Sidewalks and Streets, Private Homes, Private Clubs, Conventions, Nursing Homes and assisted living areas, Stadiums, Care Facilities, Correctional Facilities, Amphitheaters and Outdoor Areas, and Bus Shelters. Hookah and Cigar Bars and Vape Shops however will be exempted from the ban (Mahey & Miller 312-46). The Mayor argues that the ban is about quality of life, protecting citizens and making the neighborhoods safer. The City Council will proceed with an aggressive campaign to create awareness about the ban. Enforcement will be placed on the hands of City health and code inspectors. Bars that defy the ban are subject to fines and penalties. Debate is torn between those decrying the dangers of second-hand smoke and those fearing for the collapse of businesses that host smokers. The smoking debate has been raging for a long time. Those in support of smoking bans argue that many people die from lung cancer and heart disease and that the world would be a better place without cigarettes. They say that smoking harms non-smokers who inadvertently inhale second-hand smoke and that it kills more people than alcohol; car accidents and AIDS combined. Smoking kills 1.2 million people in China and 430,000 people a year in America and about 50,000 non-smokers die from smoke related diseases in America (Farley & Cohen 18-20). The National Cancer Institute, Surgeon General of the United States and National Institute of Health all support the smoking ban particularly because of the effects of second-hand smoke on nonsmokers. Banning smoking will improve air quality they say and smoking bans are becoming common in the United States and the world over. The American Nonsmokers Rights Foundation reports that 36 States and 900 cities have enacted laws requiring bars and restaurants to be smoke free. More places